1 9 11 15 17 21 25 2 12 3 13 20 24 26 4 18 5 16 19 14 8 10 22 6 23 7
  1. 1a Agricultural workers (9)
  2. 8a List of dishes (4)
  3. 9a Roast lamb condiment (4,5)
  4. 10a Courage and determination (4)
  5. 13a Evil presence (5)
  6. 15a What truants play? (6)
  7. 16a Black grape variety (6)
  8. 17a Illegal soft-nosed bullet (6)
  9. 19a Noun formed from a verb — nudger (anag) (6)
  10. 20a Eye's centre (5)
  11. 21a Something made with 16? (4)
  12. 24a Tenerife's main city (5,4)
  13. 25a Stretched circle? (4)
  14. 26a Soft toy (5,4)
  15. 2d 1936 alliance between Germany and Italy (4)
  16. 3d Nocturnal insect (4)
  17. 4d Lack of enthusiasm (6)
  18. 5d Authoritative declaration (6)
  19. 6d Crude oil (9)
  20. 7d Great number (9)
  21. 11d Spar with an imaginary opponent (6-3)
  22. 12d Body of legal rules based on cus­tom and judicial precedent (6,3)
  23. 13d Rise (3,2)
  24. 14d Neither winning, nor losing (5)
  25. 18d Change into something else (6)
  26. 19d Adept — given (6)
  27. 22d Blackleg (4)
  28. 23d Brass wind instrument (4)