8 10 13 16 6 5 19 1 17 2 9 14 3 11 15 4 12 18 7
  1. 5a Emotionally upset — worried (9)
  2. 8a Quote (4)
  3. 9a Medieval musician (8)
  4. 10a Order to come (6)
  5. 11a Protect(ion) (6)
  6. 13a Without delay (2,4)
  7. 15a Contaminate (6)
  8. 16a Those on our side? (4,4)
  9. 18a Nautical pole (4)
  10. 19a Comically ugly (9)
  11. 1d Churchwarden's assistant — semi-sand (anag) (8)
  12. 2d Pollen-producing part of a flower (6)
  13. 3d Tricks (6)
  14. 4d Deal with — encounter (4)
  15. 6d State of affairs — job (9)
  16. 7d Aggressive and ready to fight (9)
  17. 12d Notorious (8)
  18. 14d Even-handedness (6)
  19. 15d Demand firmly (6)
  20. 17d Sudden quick movement (4)