8 10 13 16 6 5 19 1 17 2 9 14 3 11 15 4 12 18 7
  1. 5a Turmoil — whirlpool (9)
  2. 8a Fused metal joint (4)
  3. 9a Sponge (8)
  4. 10a Make known — pass on (6)
  5. 11a Tricks of the trade? (6)
  6. 13a Go wrong — create disorder (4,2)
  7. 15a Domed roof (6)
  8. 16a Move a person instantly in dematerialised form from one place to another (8)
  9. 18a Facial organ (4)
  10. 19a Old movie film (9)
  11. 1d Indian Ocean island country (8)
  12. 2d Downy (6)
  13. 3d Run naked (6)
  14. 4d Monk's hood (4)
  15. 6d Counter of paces (9)
  16. 7d \ (9)
  17. 12d Supplementary material at the end of a document (8)
  18. 14d Folk (6)
  19. 15d Stock (6)
  20. 17d Windows to the soul? (4)