8 9 11 14 18 22 24 1 2 19 3 13 12 4 10 17 15 5 21 23 20 6 16 7
  1. 1a Pool for performing marine mammals (12)
  2. 9a Paved area outside a house (5)
  3. 10a Sharp — indicated (7)
  4. 11a Teaching both girls and boys (2-2)
  5. 12a One way of scoring at rugby (4,4)
  6. 14a Unhealthy looking (6)
  7. 15a C-F musical interval — Prince Regent George's eventual regnal number (6)
  8. 18a Lacking written authentication? (8)
  9. 20a All Blacks' war dance (4)
  10. 22a Clump of grass (7)
  11. 23a Pale brownish-yellow colour (5)
  12. 24a Plan to get out! (4,8)
  13. 2d Ground grain used to make porridge (7)
  14. 3d Classical music concert for which part of the audience stands (4)
  15. 4d Communicate (6)
  16. 5d Political propaganda in art or literature (8)
  17. 6d First part of a news story (abbr) (5)
  18. 7d Confused (6-6)
  19. 8d Reusable rocket-launched craft flown by astronauts (5,7)
  20. 13d Powerful infantry weapons used against the French at Agincourt, 1415 (8)
  21. 16d Selfish and dangerous driver (4,3)
  22. 17d Plastic cup without a handle (6)
  23. 19d Cold rice balls with raw fish (5)
  24. 21d Handgun — young horse (4)