6 8 10 13 16 19 21 7 1 18 17 2 9 15 14 3 12 20 11 4 5
  1. 1a Advocate (9)
  2. 8a Disordered state (5)
  3. 9a Destroy completely (4,3)
  4. 10a Originator (8)
  5. 11a Young salmon — a wife of Henry VIII (4)
  6. 13a Repaired (6)
  7. 14a Concealed (6)
  8. 16a Charitable donations to the needy (4)
  9. 17a Tepid (8)
  10. 19a Rouses from sleep (7)
  11. 20a Hymn of praise (5)
  12. 21a Abandonment (9)
  13. 1d Calmly submissive (8)
  14. 2d Vocation (6)
  15. 3d Natural satellite of a planet (4)
  16. 4d Painter of A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, d.1883 (7,5)
  17. 5d Toppling of a king (12)
  18. 6d Oscar (7,5)
  19. 7d Resources for achieving something (4,3,5)
  20. 12d Gaping (4,4)
  21. 15d Breakfast cereal with fruits (6)
  22. 18d Make very hot and dry (4)