6 8 10 13 16 19 21 7 1 18 17 2 9 15 14 3 12 20 11 4 5
  1. 1a Bottle opener (9)
  2. 8a Adult insect post-metamorphosis (5)
  3. 9a Warlike (7)
  4. 10a Incidentally (2,3,3)
  5. 11a Group of players (4)
  6. 13a Eraser (6)
  7. 14a Heavy non-venomous snake (6)
  8. 16a Auditory organs (4)
  9. 17a Counters (anag) — interpret (8)
  10. 19a Made possible (7)
  11. 20a Small wood (5)
  12. 21a Lasting a very short time (9)
  13. 1d Confined to a small space (8)
  14. 2d __ MacDonald, first British Labour PM (6)
  15. 3d Certain (4)
  16. 4d Make a lot of noise (5,3,4)
  17. 5d Polite (4-8)
  18. 6d Payment of money from a fund (12)
  19. 7d Coastal resort city in southern California (5,7)
  20. 12d Vision (8)
  21. 15d Easy task (6)
  22. 18d In addition (4)