8 9 11 14 18 22 24 1 2 19 3 13 12 4 10 17 15 5 21 23 20 6 16 7
  1. 1a Instruction on a hotel bedroom door? (2,3,7)
  2. 9a With toad-like blemishes (5)
  3. 10a Guidance (7)
  4. 11a Academy of Television Arts and Sciences award (4)
  5. 12a Current beneath breaking wave (8)
  6. 14a Malicious — licentious (6)
  7. 15a Fleshy bit of the buttocks (6)
  8. 18a Place of trials (3,5)
  9. 20a Thrash (4)
  10. 22a Woolly (7)
  11. 23a Online message (5)
  12. 24a Of a large city — London Underground line (12)
  13. 2d Rower (7)
  14. 3d Long-horned African antelope (4)
  15. 4d Pour wine into another container (6)
  16. 5d Pot (8)
  17. 6d Unexpected result (5)
  18. 7d Unfair (5,3,4)
  19. 8d Garden pink — Willie wet Sam (anag) (5,7)
  20. 13d US state (with a beetle) (8)
  21. 16d Ultimate tranquil state (7)
  22. 17d Pretty cave (6)
  23. 19d Cereal grass (5)
  24. 21d Food shop (abbr) (4)