7 9 16 17 20 22 1 12 13 2 18 3 10 23 8 11 21 4 14 19 5 15 6
  1. 1a Meddle (6)
  2. 4a Give money to (5)
  3. 7a Fanatic (6)
  4. 8a Sign of a learner driver (1-5)
  5. 9a Demolish (a building) (4)
  6. 10a Well-off (8)
  7. 12a Reduced the intensity of conflict (2-9)
  8. 17a Spreads through (8)
  9. 19a Son of Isaac and Rebecca (4)
  10. 20a Confesses (4,2)
  11. 21a Destructive swarming insect (6)
  12. 22a Happen afterwards as a result (5)
  13. 23a Provide evidence for (6)
  14. 1d Shakespeare (3,4)
  15. 2d Someone from Valletta? (7)
  16. 3d Captivated (9)
  17. 4d Eject (5)
  18. 5d Crack shot (7)
  19. 6d Ring of flowers (6)
  20. 11d Fails to achieve the desired effect (5,4)
  21. 13d Small jobs (7)
  22. 14d Molasses (7)
  23. 15d Resolute — sedated (anag) (4,3)
  24. 16d Fight against (6)
  25. 18d Sky blue (5)