1 8 10 12 19 21 2 18 3 13 15 4 9 16 5 14 6 17 20 7 11
  1. 1a What's the big hurry? (6,3,4)
  2. 8a Unhappy (4)
  3. 9a Dutch gin (8)
  4. 10a Drowsiness (10)
  5. 12a Gentle breeze (6)
  6. 14a Well turned out (6)
  7. 15a Tactful (10)
  8. 19a Split up (8)
  9. 20a One-sided inclination (4)
  10. 21a Emotionally crushed (6-7)
  11. 2d Ajar (4-4)
  12. 3d Norma (anag) — upright style of print (5)
  13. 4d Academic (7)
  14. 5d Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships? (5)
  15. 6d Sudden outbreak of anger (5-2)
  16. 7d Journey (4)
  17. 11d Remove body hair (8)
  18. 13d Food fish (7)
  19. 14d Recklessly determined (2-2-3)
  20. 16d Hickory tree and its nut (5)
  21. 17d Fossilised resin used in jewellery (5)
  22. 18d Landing stage (4)