1 9 11 14 21 22 24 17 2 15 8 18 3 4 12 23 5 10 16 19 25 6 20 7 13
  1. 1a Something wished for (4)
  2. 3a Worthy of worship (8)
  3. 9a Ghost (7)
  4. 10a One of twelve in a box? (5)
  5. 11a Domesticated pack animal of the Andes (5)
  6. 12a Queen (6)
  7. 14a Parliamentary debate to approve the principles of a new bill — DNA recognised (anag) (6,7)
  8. 17a Counting machine (6)
  9. 19a Longest human bone (5)
  10. 22a Able to think clearly (5)
  11. 23a Tallest extant quadruped (7)
  12. 24a Nose hair pullers? (8)
  13. 25a Grape plant (4)
  14. 1d Pocketed spirits container (3,5)
  15. 2d Shopping centre (5)
  16. 4d Light brown sweetener, originally from Guyana (8,5)
  17. 5d Put into a new order (5)
  18. 6d African country, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, capital Bujumbura (7)
  19. 7d Book of the Old Testament (4)
  20. 8d Difficulty that causes tension (6)
  21. 13d Cause to feel sorrow (8)
  22. 15d Small room for special use (7)
  23. 16d Have the money for (6)
  24. 18d Old port of south-west Spain (5)
  25. 20d Civilian clothes for soldiers (5)
  26. 21d Even — pitched too low (4)