1 8 10 13 17 21 24 2 18 3 12 11 4 16 22 14 5 9 20 19 6 15 7 23
  1. 1a Unexpectedly behaves in very helpful way (5,2,6)
  2. 8a Glowing (7)
  3. 9a Believer in the existence of God (5)
  4. 10a Bankrupt (4)
  5. 11a Merchant ships with a limited range of operation (8)
  6. 13a Suppress anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable (6)
  7. 14a Place of worship (6)
  8. 17a Died (6,2)
  9. 19a Arab marketplace (4)
  10. 21a Rummage (5)
  11. 22a Foodstuffs (7)
  12. 24a Can't remember what to say next (4,3,6)
  13. 1d Vehicle (3)
  14. 2d United States president — Wisconsin's capital (7)
  15. 3d Glance over (4)
  16. 4d Go on one's rounds (6)
  17. 5d Salad vegetables (8)
  18. 6d Indian corn (5)
  19. 7d As it were (2,2,5)
  20. 10d Reverse a previous strong view (4-5)
  21. 12d Intelligible (8)
  22. 15d Put forward a plan (7)
  23. 16d Foreign stock exchange (6)
  24. 18d They're always under one's feet! (5)
  25. 20d Irritation of the skin (4)
  26. 23d Turf (3)