6 7 10 13 17 21 23 1 14 2 12 11 3 16 22 15 4 8 20 18 5 19 9
  1. 1a Reaches adulthood (5,2,3)
  2. 7a Behaved badly (5,2)
  3. 8a Kind of writing paper with feint rules (5)
  4. 10a Hindu spiritual teacher (4)
  5. 11a Fetters (8)
  6. 13a Worked hard (6)
  7. 15a Affix (6)
  8. 17a Costs incurred in doing one's job (8)
  9. 18a Den (4)
  10. 21a Buy and sell (5)
  11. 22a System of writing for the blind (7)
  12. 23a Something very easy to do (6,4)
  13. 1d Provision (5)
  14. 2d 1960s' youth subculture involving motor scooters (4)
  15. 3d Sixth century BC Greek poetess (6)
  16. 4d Intense joy (8)
  17. 5d Swellings on a nerve fibre — gala gin (anag) (7)
  18. 6d Most mischievous (10)
  19. 9d Fired (10)
  20. 12d Have good intentions (4,4)
  21. 14d Level a charge against — pace him (anag) (7)
  22. 16d Greek island — home of 3 (6)
  23. 19d Narrow lane (5)
  24. 20d Autumn in Vermont? (4)