7 9 11 14 18 21 1 24 2 12 3 19 22 4 13 17 15 5 16 20 6 10 23 8
  1. 1a Died peacefully (7,4)
  2. 9a Hard, spicy beef and pork sausage (9)
  3. 10a Airtight metal container (3)
  4. 11a Repulsive (5)
  5. 13a Coming from the birthplace of Christopher Columbus (7)
  6. 14a Humorous play (6)
  7. 15a Mark Twain's character, Tom (6)
  8. 18a Civilians trained as soldiers (7)
  9. 20a Sheet (anag) — pronoun (5)
  10. 21a Bolt's partner (3)
  11. 22a Never-ending (9)
  12. 24a Again and again (11)
  13. 2d Insolence (slang) (3)
  14. 3d Very drunk (3-4)
  15. 4d Plenty (6)
  16. 5d Arrange so as to be parallel (5)
  17. 6d Original model (9)
  18. 7d Promising (2-3-6)
  19. 8d Sweet nothings (11)
  20. 12d Fool (9)
  21. 16d Sinatra (anag) — skilled manual worker (7)
  22. 17d Group with shared concerns within a political party (6)
  23. 19d Strong thread (5)
  24. 23d Pointed tool for making small holes (3)